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    Love for Body Jewelry

    Learn How To Properly Measure Body Jewelry!

    Learn How To Properly Measure Body Jewelry!

    Why is wearing the right size of body jewelry so important? Wear a size too small and your pierced area could get irritated; wear a size too big and it could easily tangle on surfaces resulting to a damaged piercing area.

    Here’s a simple guide you can refer to in determining the right size of your jewelry:

    By thickness

    Thickness of jewelry work in reverse. That means the higher numbers are thinner than smaller numbers. Most starter piercings are usually either 14 or 16 gauge, although some may go as large as 12 or as small as 18.

    By length

    The length usually refers to the distance between the two ball tips of jewelries like Barbell or Labret, and is usually expressed in millimeters or inches.

    By diameter

    Diameter is a measurement used for Captive Bead Rings, Horseshoes and other circular style body jewelry. It covers the distance across the ring at its widest point and is measured in the inside of the ring.

    Find a body jewelry in the size that’s best for you. Shop according to these body jewelry measurement types at WildKlass! Visit www.wildklass.com now!

    What to Eat (and Avoid) After a Tongue Piercing

    What to Eat (and Avoid) After a Tongue Piercing

    What to avoid:

    Hot and spicy food

    Hot and/or spicy food can irritate your tongue, causing additional pain and discomfort. Moreover, because the jewelry in your mouth can conduct hot and cold temperatures, you may burn your tongue if the food you’re eating is too warm.

    Food with sticky texture

    Avoid food like oatmeal or mashed potatoes during healing as these can be difficult to clear from your mouth. With that, you also run the risk of developing an infection. To further avoid this, cleanse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash.

    Acidic food

    Citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, pineapples and tomatoes, as well as the juices of these fruits can possibly irritate your piercing while it’s still on its healing stage.

    Food with crunchy or hard texture

    Because they require more chewing, food like cookies, popcorn or toast can be uncomfortable to your pierced tongue and can increase the risk of infections from swelling.

    What to eat:


    With a newly-pierced tongue, you may find it difficult to chew food because of swelling. That’s why it’s better to consume complete and balanced food in liquid consistencies. And what better example is there than a smoothie? They’re delicious and totally good for you.


    If you want something savory, then go for clear broths with bits of soft vegetables. Just make sure that they’ve been cooled down because burning your healing tongue is the last thing you want!

    Other soft food

    What other alternatives are there? You can try yogurt, which when eaten cold, can help to ease pain and offer your body nutrition. If you’re up for it, go and get some ice cream or even baby food as these do not require a lot of chewing. Just always remember that the less pressure that you put on your new tongue ring, the faster it will heal.

    For more piercing safety tips, follow the WildKlass blog!

    Tattoo Aftercare – What You Need To Know

    Tattoo Aftercare – What You Need To Know

    Finally, you’re getting the tattoo. But what’s next? How do you look after it and ensure it heals well and ends up looking as you imagined it should? Here are some things you should know.

    Cleaning and Wrapping

    Your tattooed area will have to be cleaned with mild soap, water and most-likely some type of antibacterial ointment. Next up is wrapping your tattoo, primarily to keep the area protected against bacteria and also helps to prevent rubbing.

    Generally, it’s regarded safe for you to remove your wrapping after 2-3 hours as long as you’re able to clean your tattoo immediately after removal. After a couple of hours of wrapping your tattoo should have stopped oozing so heavily (although it will continue to ooze over the next couple of days).

    Gently remove the wrap by undoing or carefully cutting through the medical tape used by your artist to stick the wrap to your skin. If your wrap is plastic, gently peel the material away from your skin, it shouldn’t stick at all. If you had a cloth bandage applied to your tattoo, very gently start to peel the material away from the skin. If you start to feel any pulling or sticking whatsoever, run some lukewarm water and pour it over the bandage until it’s soaked enough to be pulled away from the skin with ease.

    The first wash

    Before cleaning your tattoo, you will want to clean your hands thoroughly to kill any bacteria present. Then proceed to gently cup lukewarm water over the area, wetting the area with your palm and fingers.

    Ensure the water is not hot as the heat/steam can open up the recently inked skin pores. Once the area is wet, rub a good amount of clear/fragrance free mild antibacterial soap over the area and try to get all of the gooey and dried bits of blood and ink off of the surface.

    After a thorough but gentle cleanse of the area with soap, cup some more lukewarm water over the area to ensure that all remaining soap is washed away. Next, you can either let your tattoo air-dry or you can pat it dry with a paper towel.

    Adding aftercare product

    Once the area is completely dry you will want to very lightly rub in some sort of specialized ointment/lotion to moisturize the area and help with healing. You will only want a very thin layer to cover the tattoo - your skin needs to breathe in order to heal effectively and a heavy layer of lotion will prevent this from happening.

    For more aftercare tips on tattoos, piercings and other body modifications, follow the WildKlass blog!


    Lip Piercing Aftercare

    Lip Piercing Aftercare

    Though the art looks great, it is also important to take care of your pierced lips. Yes, it’s true that developing an infection is rare because your mouth has the natural ability to fight infections. Still, there are chances that one might experience swelling, scabbing or redness and at times bleeding and tenderness after the piercing. That said, here are some tips that will help you for lip piercing aftercare.

    Modify your diet

    During healing time, you should keep close tabs on your diet. Ideally, you should stick with soft and relatively cool foods like pudding, ice cream and yogurt. Avoid taking solid foods because they might bruise the fresh wound or become trapped in the piercing.

    Avoid coming into contact with chlorine

    Exposing your piercing to the shower or pool water may end up delaying the healing process. Chlorine water can cause your pierced area to dry out, leading to irritation. Shower water can also be so harsh that it can aggravate the symptoms even more.

    Avoid nicotine, alcohol, caffeine
    New lip piercings are prone to occasional bleeding, and these things can thin your blood and make it harder for your body to form clots.

    Rinse your mouth regularly

    Do rinse your mouth with a mouthwash after meals or eating. For the first 2 weeks after getting the piercing, it’s ideal to suck on antibacterial/anti-inflammatory throat lozenges. These reduce the chance of infection and reduce swelling.

    Don’t change your piercing jewelry prematurely

    Unless you experience a piercing problem that can be remedied with a jewelry change, you should keep your starter lip ring in until your piercing is fully healed. Even then, you may want to have a professional do it for you, since your fistula will still be tender and it may be hard to insert new jewelry yourself.

    Keep the area moisturized

    If the skin around the outside of your lip piercing becomes dry, moisturize with tea tree oil-enhanced sea salt solution rather than using creams, oils or balms that could clog your fistula, trap in bacteria and make you susceptible to infection.

    Looking for safe products to aid you in healing your pierced lips? Visit the WildKlass catalog now!

    Get an Amazing Surprise Jewelry from WildKlass Every Month!

    Get an Amazing Surprise Jewelry from WildKlass Every Month!

    Why spend hours shopping on the same old piercing jewelry when you can instead get beautifully crafted accessories delivered straight to your door every month--for one low price? And to be honest, who doesn't love getting a little bit of sparkle and shine in the mail?

    Here’s a treat for you: get handpicked, quality WildKlass piercing accessory perfectly tailored to your style and fashion needs. And because we’re a little more wild here at WildKlass, we go beyond the usual accessories so you can expect nothing like a typical monthly jewelry subscription. 

    Now, first things first. Select the type of piercing jewelry you would want to receive. Want Belly Rings? Shell out only $9.99 a month. How about Septum Rings? You can get your surprise at only $14.99. And if you’re into Nipple Rings, get them for only $ 19.99.

    Our team of jewelry experts will work to create handcrafted styles that fit current piercing trends and your personal taste. So every month is definitely a surprise! Isn’t that so thrilling?

    You can also be assured that each accessory you receive is of topmost quality. Our selections include jewelry made from 316L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel, .925 Sterling Silver, Solid 14k Gold and Solid Titanium.

    Delivered straight to your door, you won't find a more convenient, affordable and exciting way to buy piercing jewelry. Shipping is also totally FREE (within the US).

    And what if you want to skip a month? No problem. You can cancel anytime because there’s no long-term commitment required. You can just update your account with a click of a button.

    Experience the fun of receiving a piercing jewelry each month. Subscribe now to the WildKlass Monthly Club!