Most Popular Piercings
When it comes to body modification, piercing is the most common. It has been used for hundreds of years for different purposes. Eons ago, people used their piercings to symbolize what tribe they belong to. Now, it’s a way to express one’s individuality and creativity especially now that there are a lot of cute jewelry to adorn your piercings. Let’s take a look at the most popular piercings nowadays.
Earlobe piercing is extremely common. There are some people who choose to get their daughter’s ears pierced as a baby for it to heal faster. Because of this piercing’s popularity, the range of jewelry it comes with is endless. You never have to search far and wide to find a nice pair of earrings for your lobe piercings. Also, it’s quite easy to care for when it’s freshly pierced. Just spray a little sea salt to clean it and it will heal in a couple of months!
Who doesn't want a cute little stud on the nostril or even an edgy curved barbell on your septum? Nose piercing has been popular for ages. It’s a go-to piercing if you want to try something new other that getting your ears pierced. And just like the earlobe piercing, the nostril piercing is easy to care for as well. You just have to clean it regularly and avoid playing with it. Septum piercings, however, takes longer to heal. It needs regular salt water cleaning but it’s worth it.
Getting to flaunt your bellybutton ring during summer in a bikini is the best feeling and that’s why it’s so popular. The piercing also comes with playful jewelry that’s quite captivating to look at. Also, there are numerous ways to get your belly pierced. If you’re not into that typical bellybutton piercing, you can get a reverse bellybutton piercing or even a horizontal one. Saltwater soaks are important when this piercing is healing as well but it can heal in 3-6 months.
People who wants to try a more “edgy” piercing for the first time go for the tongue piercing and that’s why it’s on the list. It looks completely awesome and it’s the fastest piercing to heal! Although you’d have to use a longer barbell when it’s freshly pierced because your tongue will swell for a couple of days. When it has healed, you can change to a smaller, cuter ring and it will be completely fine. Proper oral hygiene is important when getting a tongue piercing as well. Rinsing the mouth with saltwater will also hasten the healing process.
The popularity of this piercing has been on the rise since 2010. Awesome nipple jewelry are also making it’s way to the top of the most searched piercing jewelry. Some people refuse to get theirs pierced because of the pain but people with nipple piercings say that it’s not the worst pain in the world and there are other body parts that hurt more when pierced.
So, with those popular piercings, which one would you like to get?